
How to Access Your Blog When It’s Blocked: Tips and Tricks

Have you ever tried accessing your blog from work or school only to find it blocked?

As an avid blogger, not being able to check on my blog gives me serious anxiety.

I need to stay on top of comments, check stats, and make sure everything is running smoothly.

Not to worry, I’ve picked up a few tricks over the years to access my blog even when the network admins try to keep me out.

In this post, I’ll share how I outsmart internet filters and stay connected to my blog from anywhere.

Get ready for some tech-savvy tips to keep your blogging addiction satisfied and your blog stats on the up and up.

No firewall or filter will get between me and my blog, and with these tricks, no firewall will keep you from yours either.

Stay tuned for the inside scoop on how I stay plugged in no matter what.

The blogging life chose me, and I fully intend to answer its call wherever and whenever inspiration strikes!

Use a VPN to Mask Your Location

As a blogger, nothing frustrates me more than not being able to access my own blog!

Whether it’s a strict network admin blocking the site or government censorship, VPNs are my secret weapon for defeating internet barriers.

A virtual private network, or VPN, masks your real location and IP address, allowing you to bypass restrictions.

All you have to do is sign up for a VPN service, download their app, and connect to a server in a location where your blog isn’t blocked.

Just like that, you’ll have full access again!

Some of the best VPNs for unblocking websites are:

  1. ExpressVPN – Fast, reliable, and works in many countries. They have apps for all devices.
  2. NordVPN – Budget-friendly, lots of global servers, and strong security. They also offer dedicated IP addresses.
  3. Surfshark – Unlimited device connections, camouflage mode to hide you’re using a VPN, and very affordable.

Once you have a VPN, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

•Try different server locations until you find one that works. Not all servers may bypass the block.

•Enable the VPN on your router to protect all connected devices.

•Use incognito or private browsing mode for an extra layer of privacy.

•Update your VPN app regularly to ensure you have the latest security patches and server list.

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•Consider using a password manager to generate strong, unique passwords for your VPN login.

With some persistence and the right tools, no blockade can keep you from your beloved blog!

Staying connected and fighting censorship has never been more important.

For more tips, you can read How a VPN Can Mask Your Location article.

I hope these tips help you access your online home base so you can continue to share your voice with the world.

Try Using a Proxy Server

As an avid blogger, having my content blocked is incredibly frustrating!

But I’ve picked up a few tricks over the years to get around restrictions and access my blog, even when the Man tries to keep me down.

One of my favorite methods is using a proxy server.

Proxy servers act as an intermediary between your device and the internet.

They mask your IP address and location, tricking websites into thinking you’re accessing them from somewhere else.


To use a proxy, all you have to do is enter the proxy URL into your browser.

Some of the most popular free proxies are HideMyAss, ProxySite, and

Once on the proxy site, simply enter your blog’s URL and – voila! – full access.

Proxy servers are a quick, easy way to get around firewalls and unblock forbidden sites.

If one proxy isn’t working, don’t fret – there are hundreds of free proxies out there.

Just keep trying others until you find one that does the trick.

Proxy servers have allowed me to access my blog from school, work, and even other countries where it was supposedly “not available”.

They’re a blogger’s best friend!

Using a proxy server is such an simple but effective solution.

No advanced tech skills required.

Whether your content has been blocked intentionally or by mistake, proxies give you the power to access information and share your voice with the world.

What are you waiting for? Get posting!

Change Your DNS Settings

When my favorite blogs get blocked, I don’t get mad—I get to work finding ways around it! One of my go-to tricks is changing my device’s DNS settings. This reroutes my internet connection so I can access the content I want.

Use a DNS Service

Free DNS services like Cloudflare, Google Public DNS or OpenDNS are easy to set up and use.

They offer DNS servers with different IP addresses than your internet provider’s default servers.

All you have to do is log into your device’s network settings and change the DNS server addresses to the ones provided by the service.

See also  Discover Your Best VPN Provider Free- Maximize Privacy & Security

This hides your browsing activity from your network provider and allows you to view restricted content.

I’ve had great success using Cloudflare’s app which does all the work for you.

Once I update the DNS settings, I refresh my browser and—voila!—my favorite blogs are back.

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways I’ve found to bypass blocks.

The best part is, it works on all my devices like laptops, tablets and phones.

I can stay up-to-date with all the latest posts and discussions from anywhere.

Other Options

If changing your DNS settings doesn’t do the trick, don’t despair! Here are a couple other things you can try:

  • Use a free VPN service like ProtonVPN or Windscribe. A VPN masks your IP address and encrypts your internet traffic so you can access restricted content.
  • Try an anonymous proxy website. Proxy sites act as an intermediary between you and the internet, hiding your identity and location. Popular options include Hidester and ProxySite.
  • Access cached versions of the pages through services like the Wayback Machine. They store archived copies of websites that you may be able to view.

Staying connected to the blogs and communities I care about most is important to me.

With a little technical know-how, no block can keep us apart for long!

What tricks have you tried to access restricted content? I’d love to hear your stories.

Use Anonymizing Browsers Like Tor

Tor browser logo

Tor to the Rescue!

When my favorite blogs get blocked for some reason, I don’t panic—I simply fire up the Tor browser.

Tor is a free anonymity network that hides your identity and location, allowing you to access websites that may be censored or blocked.

To use Tor, you first have to download the Tor browser bundle.

Once installed, the Tor browser works just like any other browser—you can search the web, watch videos, read news, or check out your favorite blogs.

The difference is Tor bounces your internet traffic through encrypted relays to hide your identity and location.

Tor is super easy to set up and use. Just download the software, install it, and the Tor browser will automatically connect you to the Tor network.

When the browser opens, you’ll see a “New Identity” button which gives you a new relay path and IP address.

I just click that button and—voila!—my blocked blog is magically accessible again.

If your network admin has blocked the ability to download Tor (the spoilsports!), don’t worry. You’ve got a couple options:

  • Use a bridge relay to connect to the Tor network. Bridges are less likely to be blocked and can be configured in the Tor software settings.
  • Install Tor on a USB drive. Download Tor on another computer, install it to a USB drive, and then boot it up on your own computer. Your network admins won’t even know you’re using it!
  • Try an anonymizing VPN. A virtual private network can also mask your identity and bypass internet blocks. Some free, reputable options are ProtonVPN, TunnelBear, and Windscribe.
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Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

With tools like Tor and VPNs at your disposal, no blocked blog can stand in your way!

Staying connected to the open internet is so important, and anonymity networks make that possible even when others try to restrict your access.

Viva la resistance!

Contact Your Internet Service Provider

If your blog is blocked, don’t freak out! There are a few things you can try to get access again.

As an avid blogger myself, having my content suddenly become unavailable would be incredibly frustrating.

But over the years, I’ve picked up some useful tricks to get around restrictions.

Contact Your Internet Service Provider

If your blog is blocked by your internet service provider (ISP), give them a call right away.

Politely explain that you run an informational blog, and ask them to whitelist your site or adjust their filters to allow access.

Most ISPs aim to provide quality service to customers, so if your blog isn’t actually violating their terms of use, they should be willing to fix the issue.

Stay calm and composed when talking to them.

Losing your cool won’t help the situation and will only make them less inclined to help you.

Provide specific details about your blog like the URL, topics you cover, and your target audience.

The more information you give them, the easier it will be for them to verify that your blog should not be blocked.

If talking to a customer service rep doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to ask to speak to a manager or someone higher up who may be able to resolve the problem.

You should also double check that your blog isn’t actually violating any of their policies.

If it is, you’ll need to make changes to the content before the ISP will consider unblocking it.

As a last resort, you may need to switch to a different internet provider if you continue to face issues with the current one.

Staying positive and proactively working with your ISP is the best way to get your blog back up and running.

With patience and persistence, you’ll be back to blogging as usual in no time!

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